Today, August 22, 2012, would have been Oliver's fourth birthday. Even though we lost Ollie nearly two years ago to cancer, we think about him every day, and consider ourselves so lucky to have been blessed with the short time we got to know and love him.

We'd like to take a moment to remember our crew member with a few of our favorite photos, just as we did last year on his birthday.

Ollie getting in on the DIY action by stealing Alex's safety glasses.

Twins? The only photo of Alex with his short lived (and grown for Halloween) facial hair. 

My boys, snoozin' on the couch. 

Our one and only family picture with the four of us. Mel's lack of love for Ollie is apparent in this picture.

There are so many little things we miss about you, like how when you ran fast your ears would flip back (and get stuck that way), how you smelled like Fritos when you woke up in the morning, and the crazy "singing"/gremlin noise you would make when you were trying to get our attention.

Happy birthday, little snaggle toothed monster. We hope that on the other side of the rainbow bridge, you've been met with an endless supply of squirrels to chase and chicken treats to devour.

Comments 7


8/22/2012 at 4:11 PM
The picture of Alex and Oliver sleeping is too sweet. I'm glad you guys have so many pictures to remember him with.
It's one of my favorite pictures of him. (That, and one where Alex is playing fetch with Ollie in the park.) I'm so glad we have the photos (and videos) to help keep his memory alive.
Karin K
8/22/2012 at 4:19 PM
Awww... Your Oliver tribute was one of the first posts I read on your blog and it got me all weepy. And now, four weeks after losing my Dudley to cancer, I have been scouring rescue websites like a mad woman. It is the hardest day, by far, but all the other happy days you get in return make it totally worthwhile. Cheers to Oliver! Crap - now I'm weepy again.
I am so, so sorry to hear about Dudley. :-( Losing Oliver was truly devastating, but the time we spent together makes up for any heartbreak. Have you been on That's where we found Lulu. Thinking of being able to give another pup a loving home was the only thing that brought me comfort in those early days.

(Oh, and I've been weepy all day. I can't seem to find enough tissues!)
8/28/2012 at 1:01 PM
Those anniversaries are so hard! We lost our beloved kitty, Pippin, in January, and I think about him every single day. I hope that you were able to take some comfort from all of your happy memories of your time with Ollie, even if he can't be here in the flesh right now.
Laurie Kazimer
9/11/2012 at 6:18 PM
Sweet Olie!
Sherry Schiller
9/11/2012 at 6:18 PM
he was a character and anyone who knew Oliver will never forget him.
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