Each year on the first Saturday in March, Old Town Alexandria kicks off the St. Patrick's Day festivities for the month with a parade. Old Town is a fitting location for such an event as you can find three Irish Pubs, a Dublin Chipper, and several other establishments that turn Irish for the month lining the one mile stretch of King Street.

In honor of today's parade, Wendy and I will be live tweeting with photos and our personal narrative of the event. So if you can't make it down to Old Town for the dog show, car show, and parade, we hope you'll follow along below (new posts should load automatically) or on our Twitter page.

So sit back and enjoy the show :-)

Bring On the Tweets:

3:20 PM - Back at home finishing up the cupcakes. Hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend.

2:00 PM - Until next year, parade. #AlexandriaVA. Happy #StPatricksParade

1:51 PM - I love antique fire trucks.

1:48 PM - A gust of window almost blew Captain America down the street with his giant flag. #NearDisaster

1:25 PM - The Irish Wolfhounds are as big as horses!

1:08 PM - Who doesn't like a #Pug in a sweater?

1:07 PM - @lordscarlet Every other weekend ;-) This is our last one until December.

1:05 PM - How cute are the Irish dancers?

12:58 PM - Irish or not, old guys in little cars are the stars of the parade. #ShrinersRule

12:48 PM - Start of the #OldTown #AlexandriaVA #StPatricksParade in front of @GrandIrish

12:13 PM - McFly! Hello!

12:07 PM - Ran into this guy who was wearing a full bear skin. #NoJoke.

11:58 AM - Made a quick stop to get Lulu a new festive collar. Green in color but adorned with her nemeses - SQUIRRELS!

11:45 AM - The pipers are preparing.

11:43 AM - Even the cars are showing their St. Patty's Day spirit!

11:23 AM - Awesome! Ran into blog friends at the dog show. Lulu and Phoenix said hello.

11:16 AM - The Fun Dog Show is packed!

11:03 AM - Starting the day baking some St. Patty's Day cupcakes. Mmmm.

10:46 AM - We're #LiveTweeting the #OldTown #AlexandriaVA #StPatricksParade (that's a lot of hashtags). Follow along and enjoy.

Comments 4


3/3/2012 at 5:18 PM
It was great to meet ya'll today, especially Lulu!

It was great to meet the three of you as well! I hope you enjoyed the rest of your day. :-)
3/5/2012 at 9:03 AM
Awww... I was in a pipe band in that horrible place I used to live. I really miss it. I'll join one again when we end up somewhere for a while again :)
Looks like you guys had a blast!
That's so cool!
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