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As we celebrate the U.S. holiday of Thanksgiving today, we wanted to take a moment to reflect on some of the many things we’re thankful for in our lives. Some are big, others small, a few that are serious, and a couple that just bring us joy.

Together, We’re Thankful for:

  • Our health
  • Good friends
  • A loving family
  • Lulu and Mel having had successful tumor removal surgeries in August
  • Living in a country where we’re awarded many freedoms, including political and religious
  • Our education
  • For discovering Old Town Alexandria back in 2000, and being lucky enough to call it home
  • Having had Oliver in our lives, albeit for too short of a time
  • Having the means and jobs that allow us to travel to many parts of the world
  • Being gainfully employed
  • All of you. We’re thankful for those who read and/or comment on Old Town Home, and make this hobby such a rewarding and enjoyable one. We especially appreciate the tips and advice you share, so that we can continue to refine our DIY skills.


  • Earlier this week, I fell when out for a jog with Lulu and lost control of the leash in the process. Lulu kept on running. I’m so thankful that when I called to her, she stopped, and ran back to me on the sidewalk rather than in the street. I’m also thankful I’m only bruised and not broken.
  • Having a spouse that knows how to fix things, and goes along with my hair-brained ideas, i.e. let’s renovate our kitchen even though we have several other large projects already in the works.
  • Good television that provides a laugh and/or an escape, including Homeland, New Girl, and Happy Endings.
  • My happy places: Napa Valley and London
  • Puppies


  • The opportunity to work on our house, and to be able to transform it into the home of our dreams
  • Projects that leave me feeling fulfilled, both professionally and personally
  • My ability to grow a goatee, which I didn’t realize was possible until this “Movember”
  • We believe the thieves that stole our copper down spout have been caught. (More on that later.)
  • That our home and our town were spared the devastating effects of Hurricane Sandy
  • My somewhat patient and accommodating wife, who is my partner in crime and is the reason I do most of what I do including many of my over-the-top home improvement endeavors.

For those of you who are celebrating, we’d like to extend a heartfelt happy Thanksgiving from our family to yours. As we officially kick off the holiday season and a new year is just weeks around the corner, do you stop to reflect? What are you thankful for?

Comments 7


11/22/2012 at 3:48 PM
OMG I'm excited to hear about the downspout copper theives!

Happy Thanksgiving, guys!
We're working to get more information from the police, but hope to have details to report soon!
11/22/2012 at 7:51 PM
I absolutely love your website, especially because I live in a house that is 118 years old and have spent several years retoring/fixing it up. Love your Thanksgiving table!!!
Thank you so much! We're thrilled to hear you enjoy the site.

...And I have to give credit to my mother in law for the festive table. :-)
Karin K
11/23/2012 at 8:11 AM
I'm thankful for blogs like yours to read every day! Thank you both for putting up such great content day after day.
:-) Thank you so much, Karin! Happy Thanksgiving.
11/24/2012 at 8:43 AM
I'm thankful for good times spent with A & W this Thanksgiving.....and I don't mean the rootbeer! I'm also thankful for almost 30 years of marriage to the mother of A.

OK, here is a blog post idea for you Al: Now that the Thanksgiving holiday has come and gone I will be wrapping up my annual chore of blowing out the lawn sprinkler system. For "Old Town Home" blog fans with sprinkler systems north of the Mason-Dixon line this is a necessary chore. I'd be happy to supply the photos and content for the text. I bet it is a hot topic!!?? :-)
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