Here's a live look at hurricane Sandy from the front window of our house.

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Since moving into our house in January 2003 we've experienced many extreme weather events including several major blizzards (each of which was called "perhaps the storm of the century"), a few hurricanes, a derecho (yep, hadn't heard that one until this summer), and even a fairly substantial earthquake. All told, our house and our family has done pretty well through all of the major events.

Well, Old Town Alexandria, the DC Metro area, heck, the whole east coast is all abuzz over the latest storm to blow into town. Hurricane Sandy is set to make her major debut in the cities and towns throughout the region and northeast corridor over the next 24 hours, and we're not really sure what to make of it all.

This storm has been called "a monstrosity," "Frankenstorm," and an "unheard of freak of nature," among many other things, and we're battening down the hatches and hunkering down throughout the duration of the storm to see what it has to offer. We're planning on giving you updates here on Old Town Home with a little Live Blogging throughout the day/week for as long as our power stays on. We'll also be on on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram (especially if our power goes out). So if you're not following us over there, now would be an excellent time to start.

We hope you'll follow along beginning bright and early tomorrow so that we can see what Hurricane Sandy brings to Old Town. If the weather people are right, we might be looking at some pretty severe flooding and major damage. Wish us luck, and if you're in the path of the storm, or you have friends or family, we'll be thinking about you and hoping for the best.

Now where are those storm windows I was supposed to build and install nine months ago? Oh right, I haven't exactly gotten around to that yet. Just imagine me kicking myself over it right now.

Comments 6


10/28/2012 at 9:07 PM
"The East Coast" in Canada has this reputation for being hammered by these residual tropical storms, hurricanes, whatever... and of course we arrive here in Halifax yesterday, just in time for our first "big storm". Looks like by the trajectory you posted that we won't get anything but the dregs of the storm, though... here's hoping!!

Keep dry over there, eh?!
Carrie Cole Jolly
10/28/2012 at 9:41 PM
Be safe!
Laurie Kazimer
10/28/2012 at 9:41 PM
Stay safe !
Phyllis Ensign
10/28/2012 at 9:55 PM
Stay safe! In the meantime, hope you find some humor in this: Grease's Hurricane Sandy.
10/28/2012 at 11:50 PM
Good luck and be safe! We're nervous over this one. They're saying tomorrow AM we're supposed to have winds of 45-55 sustained with gusts up to around 70 or so, plus 2 to 6 inches of rain. I hope we don't lose power, but I'm sure we will. We were out 9 days with Irene and 8 days after the storm this summer.

Have you noticed the weather reporters haven't said "this is the one to tell your grandkids about" this time? How many times did we hear that in the past two years?
threadbndr (Karla)
10/29/2012 at 9:24 AM
You guys stay safe and as dry as possible!
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