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Living just outside of D.C. and working in the heart of downtown, I get see some of our nation's most iconic and prolific memorials and buildings. In the years since moving to Alexandria, Wendy and I have seized the opportunity to visit as many of the various monuments and points of interest...
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How many people out there think that paint is just paint, and all it takes to select a paint is to run to the store and pick up a can in the color you need? Truth be told, if you feel this way, you're probably in the majority. If you're...
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Wow, what a week! But crazily enough, even hurricanes, earthquakes, business trips and delayed flights can't take my focus away from my favorite holiday -- Halloween! I know, I know. The beach bags aren't yet put away and the air conditioners are still running on high, but celebrating this special...
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Final Hurricane Irene post, I promise.Our Web cam mounted in our front bedroom window recorded about 36 hours of Irene's approach, main event and departure. We assembled it into a time lapse movie for you complete with 80's hair metal. Enjoy.
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We hope you enjoyed our Live! Reporting of yesterday's encounter with Hurricane Irene. Now that the storm has pretty much wrapped, I'll give you a quick summary of how heavily our area was impacted.Wendy is still snoozing in bed, but I got up bright and early to head out and...
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Updated 8/27/2011 - 11:55 PM Hold onto your hats...and houses. We'll be reporting live from Alexandria, Virginia with the latest and greatest details on Hurricane Irene. So, we're getting this live blog rolling the night before the storm and we'll be updating the time stamp at the top of the post so you can see when...
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Back in August, 2003, just a few months after we moved into our house, Alexandria and Washington, DC were dealt a glancing blow by hurricane Isabel. Being an area that tends to over react with disasters or extreme weather, the government shut down for two days, the metro stopped running...
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It's been a fun WEEK OF ALEX series of posts, but my solitary posting is coming to a close as Wendy is due home later tonight. To be perfectly honest, I can't wait until she's back. I grew up an only child, so I can exist on my own pretty...
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Well, unless you've been living under a rock, of course you've heard. I think yesterday's earthquake just a short distance from Alexandria, VA proves that the WEEK OF ALEX quite literally rocks!  Seriously, Wendy goes out of town and I get to experience an actual earthquake. Let me tell you, she missed...
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In any long term relationship between two functional people, both partners learn to rely on one another for many day to day items. This doesn't mean that one person can't exist without the other or is not capable of performing all tasks, it only means that an agreement, sometimes unspoken,...
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It's a rare and unique opportunity to have your life profoundly affected by an interaction that turns out to be all too brief. Wendy and I have both the good fortune and the pain to know the massive impact that unconditional love and a difficult illness can introduce. Our sweet puppy,...
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Or at least, while Wendy is away, Alex, Lulu, and Mel will play.  With my weekend posts about running and baseball, you might be wondering, "Alex, just what exactly are you doing while Wendy is out of town? Don't you have tons of house projects to work on? Don't you have...
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What better way to celebrate the WEEK OF ALEX than attending the all American pastime on a leisurely Saturday evening? Sure, there's plenty that I have to do on the house, but Saturday's game was also bobblehead night at the park, and I couldn't miss that. So my friend Martin...
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The WEEK OF ALEX posts got off to a good start yesterday with my balsamic caviar recap and recipe. Though Lulu, Mel, and I miss Wendy very much, we have to suck it up and march on without her for the next few days. What better way than to wake...
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Today marks the start of the WEEK OF ALEX!!!!! Yep, all Alex all week, that's how we do it 'round here. Wendy is out of town for work over the next week so I'm officially a bachelor for a little while. To our loyal four blog readers, you're in for a...
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